Friday, October 31, 2014

Beauty Centre

Hello guys !

I wanted to create a package called Part 2 where I would have gathered all the new lots that I would have built for Mayumachi... but since I've been very busy lately (with a full-time placement job), I just had the time to build one place. So I thought that it would be dumb to wait until I have the time/inspiration to build something else just so I can create a Part 2.

Here is the spa/beauty salon lot. There are three shops here: the Princess' Boudoir (a girly clothes shop), the Odayakana House (the spa/inn) a perfect place for lovers to relax, and Black Ink, the tattoo salon.

Note that I don't speak one word of japanese and that the signs on the shops are probably irrelevant. It's mere decoration. If any of you guys understand japanese, I'd be curious to know what those signs mean :) 

WA, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime and Seasons are required.
The file size is 49 Mo.
The lot size is 20X15.

Happy simming !

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Arezzo Cabinet Hunt

Okay guys, I have one bad and one good news. The bad news is that from the Lilo and Stitch's house to the Mayumachi world my uploads were infected by the Arezzo cabinet file. The files that I've uploaded before are fine. For those who don't know, this file is glitched since it attaches itself to every file that you upload (even the Sims). I don't know if this file causes problems to the game, but it's still anoying to get a content that you don't want. 
I've never heard of that file before HaruWU warned me about it... and I didn't now about Custard either. I'm such a NOOB, I didn't KNOW, I'm SO SORRY !!! *runs away crying and slams the door shut*


Ahem. The good news is that I have now updated the files and they are now free of the cabinet.
For those who have already installed an infected file, here is a tutorial who teaches you how to remove it: and

In my case, I had already uninstalled the cabinet so it didn't show up in my game. However, I had forgotten to delete its package file in the DCBackup folder, so the cabinet still stuck to my uploads. Here is the package name:


Copy and paste the name in the seach bar of the DCBackup folder and then delete the file.

Custard now. This is a very useful program (thanks again HaruWU!) that shows you all the CC that comes with a sim3pack file. You can download it here:
Don't worry if the Custard shows the Mayumachi world as corrupted, apparently it does that for many worlds. 
One odd thing about this program is that it doesn't seem to like the sim3pack files with an "&" symbol in their names. When I removed the cabinet from a file such as the "Lilo & Stitch's house" and then saved it, it was impossible to reopen this file with Custard. I had to rename those files in the game and reexport them (the file is now called "Lilo and Stitch's house").

I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. I'll be more careful now with my CC.
Also know that your comments are very precious to me. If HaruWu hadn't warned me, I would have continued to spread this infected CC without even knowing it. So if you ever notice a problem in my uploads, don't be shy and warn me:
- in the comments if it's a recent upload (I rarely check comments from the old posts)
- by sending me a note / feedback in my deviantart account.

Alright, thanks for your support, and don't forget:

Enjoy the Sims.
Enjoy it protected.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Mayumachi: A Japanese World

EDIT: Those files have been updated and are now free of the Arezzo cabinet.

Hey, long time no see ! Do you remember when I told you that I'd want to make a japanese-themed world for the Sims 3 ? Well tadaa !

This is Mayumachi, which means Cocoon-Town (if it doesn't, blame Google Translate). It is a small town surrounded by woody mountains.
There are a few problems though:
1°) You will see the edges of the world when in the map view
2°) I don't speak japanese at all, but in the buildings I've made I've used japanese boards for decoration. It is highly possible that the signs used are totally irrelevant to the building. It is also possible that offensive stuff are written on them. I don't know but if they bother you feel free to remove them.
3°) Every time that I tried to implement the lots in the world via Edit in Game in CAW, the game crashed. Therefore, if you want to use my buildings, you'll have to download and install them separately. Sorry. 
I haven't built all the lots yet and I don't know if I'll do everything. Here are the lots that I've managed to make so far:

Seikatsu Temple (Chinese Garden):

Train Station (with the underground rabbit hole)

Grocery Store (with rabbit hole)

"Trinckets & Co" (Consignment Store)

"Sweet Cloud" laundromat

"Mystic Haze" Elixir shop

The Old Factory (Criminal warehouse with rabbit hole)

The Fire Station

The Police Station (with rabbit hole)

Sakura Highschool (with rabbit hole):

The Temple Tower

Appartment building n°1

Another house

I would like to thank a few creators that were very helpful to the making of this world and of many of my houses.
Thanks to:

Sandy from Around the Sims 3
Baufive and Exotic Elements for their ethnic stuff
Mutske and Sugichaco for the japanese doors and windows (definitely a must have)
Noir and Dark Sims and Mercury Sims for the japanese boards
Cazarupt for the rabbit holes
Martine and HystericalParoxism for the world textures
Sweetmint for the doors and windows I used in the appartment building
Ritsuka for the japanese gate conversion

WA, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural and Seasons are required.


As requested, here is the Mayumachi world without any CC. However, since the train tracks are CC, you won't have them.

Mayumachi No CC:

And here is a version with just the train tracks as CC:

Mayumachi Lots Part 1:

I will be very busy this year so I don't think that I'll have the time to play The Sims 3. One thing you can be sure is that I won't play the Sims 4 (not interested, satisfied with the Sims 3).

If you notice any bugs in this world, please write a comment.

Happy simming !

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Town House #2

EDIT: The file has been updated and is now free of the Arezzo cabinet.

Another 10X10 house !
Note that the boat doesn't belong to the lot, it is part of the Isle of the Midnight Sun world.
There is a level skip marker on the roof level, so if you want to change anything (the roof color, the walls...) you'll have to type the cheatcodes "testingcheatsenabled true" and "restrictbuildbuyinbuildings off".

WA, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets (for the walls), Showtime (for the bed), Supernatural and Seasons are required.
The terrain size is 10X10.
The file size is 12,6 Mo.

I'd love to make a small japanese town with the houses I've made but sadly CAW doesn't work on my laptop.
Have fun!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Dojo "The Way of the Llama"

EDIT: The file has been updated and is now free of the Arezzo cabinet.

I was vaguely inspired by the dojo I usually go to build this one.

The terrain size is 20X20.
The file size is 8,9 Mo.
WA, Late Night, Generations, Pets and Supernatural are required.

どうもありがとうございました !

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

"Peppermint" Bar & Restaurant

EDIT: The file has been updated and is now free of the Arezzo cabinet.

I always wanted my Sims to have a shop or a restaurant in their own house, just like I did in the Sims 2 Open for Business by changing a community lot to a residential lot with a cheatcode. Sadly, the Sims 3 doesn't provide this code so it's a bit tricky. 
I built this residential lot and added some public room markers in the relevant rooms. You will need the codes "testingcheatsenabled true", "buydebug", "restrictbuildbuyinbuildings off" if you want to change things from the area that is open to the public. Then by left clicking+Ctrl on the letter box you can summon random Sims to your lot. 
The Business Time Industrial stuff is included as well.
You can also download the rest of Sandy's Bistrot collection here

The terrain size is 20X15.
The file size is 27 Mo.
WA, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Showtime, Supernatural and Seasons are required.

I hope that there is a mod somewhere that recreates the paying system for residential lots from the Sims 2 OFB. I hope that your business will work well !