Friday, February 6, 2015

Lucky Cat Café

Hi guys, and happy new year !

When I watched Big Hero 6 and saw the clever way they mixed victorian and japanese architectures, I knew that I had to make this café !

This house is probably the hardest I made so far, especially because the stairs and the pagoda roofs are such a nightmare to deal with !
So obviously, the house is not 100% accurate. Mainly because it's supposed to be bigger (it's one bow-window longer in the film), but I made it smaller so that Hiro's and Tadashi's bedroom would keep it's right proportions. You'll also note that I didn't add the windows near Hiro's desk because it would have looked too messy with the roof.
I'm also not entirely happy with the distorted walls near the stairs because I had to apply plain textures to hide the distortion.
Why didn't they keep the platform from the Sims 2, why ???

Anyway I hope you'll enjoy.
For those who play with my Mayumachi world, I put this lot in 1, Ocha street.

WA, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Supernatural and Seasons are required.
The lot is residential, 20X15.
The file size is 40,3 Mo.

Happy simming !