Sunday, February 9, 2014

Lilo & Stitch's House

EDIT 2: The file has been updated and is now free of the Arezzo cabinet.

EDIT: I reuploaded another version of the house, this time with all the CC included. I had forgotten to put the DC Backup file back in place before exporting the house. So now the file size is 32, 24 Mo. Thanks to ColorfulVoid for pointing that problem out !

Hey, I'm back ! It's been a while since I played The Sims because the constant crashing makes it really annoying to play --" Seasons will certainly remain my last expansion pack since my poor laptop cannot cope with all the addons and CCs that I already have. Anyway, I managed to build this house without too much trouble.

sims 3 disney lilo stitch house

     Lilo's bedroom
    Nani's bedroom

The only major problem that I encountered while  I recreated the house was to build the stairs that lead to Lilo's bedroom. I could have put proper stairs if they weren't so long in the Sims (4 squares). I had to put a ladder instead :/

The terrain size is 30X20 and it will probably look better if it's placed on a slope.
Ambition, Generations, Pets, Showtime and Seasons are required.
The file size is  32,24 Mo.

I really missed the Sims... even if it's glitchy as hell XD


  1. So cute! I love this movie. Good work!!

  2. Hi ! This house is cute but are you sure the portable record-player is not CC ? I never saw it before and I have all EP except the last one...

    1. Indeed, I just realised that if all of the CC had been implemented successfully, the file size shoud have been bigger. The problem is now solved, thanks for pointing it out ! :)

  3. Très ressemblant!
    Tu es très douée pour reproduire des maisons, c'est un travail admirable ;)
    Tu n'as jamais essayé de reproduire la maison de "Mon voisin Totoro"? Je lui trouve quelques ressemblances.

  4. in which world you put it, and that place , ground.

  5. I love it ! It's perfect ! Is it possible to have it for 4 sims ?
